dr. cindi ignatovsky, San Jose, Acupuncture, women's health


Dr. Cindi specializes in prenatal acupuncture, bringing over twenty years of experience and expertise in supporting pregnant individuals throughout their journey to motherhood. Conveniently located near downtown Campbell, patients come from all over the Bay Area for Dr. Cindi’s personalized treatments tailored to each patient’s unique needs and concerns. Dr. Cindi’s gentle techniques prioritize the well-being of both mother and baby, ensuring expert care throughout pregnancy and beyond.

Pregnancy overview

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey, yet it often brings along physical and hormonal shifts that can lead to discomfort. From fatigue to nausea, backaches to headaches, and mood swings, these challenges are commonly perceived as just a part of normal pregnancy. Fortunately, acupuncture offers a safe, gentle, and effective approach to alleviate these discomforts, especially considering many common Western medications can’t be used during pregnancy.

Regular acupuncture sessions throughout pregnancy establish a solid groundwork for the well-being of both mother and baby and foster a positive birthing experience. Numerous European studies have highlighted the benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy, demonstrating that women who receive regular treatments tend to experience shorter and smoother deliveries compared to those who do not. Regular acupuncture also reduces the rates of medical interventions such as induction and caesarean sections, while increasing the occurrence of natural vaginal births.

Pregnancy and postpartum conditions treated

Some of the conditions that acupuncture can help with are:

  • Nausea, vomiting, & Hyperemesis Gravidarum

  • Insomnia

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety, depression, & mood swings

  • Constipation

  • Heartburn

  • Headaches & migraines

  • Back pain and sciatica

  • Symphysis pubis pain & round ligament pain

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Gestational diabetes

  • High blood pressure (pre-eclampsia)

  • PUPPs & other pregnancy-related skin conditions

  • Certain types of threatened miscarriage

  • Subchorionic hematoma

  • Placenta previa

  • Breech presentation

  • Posterior presentation

  • Pre-term labor

  • Delayed labor

  • Postpartum lactation issues/milk supply

  • Postpartum mood disorders, including anxiety & depression

  • C-Section preparation and recovery, including pain management

Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?

Yes. Prenatal acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to help patients support a healthy pregnancy and uncomplicated delivery. An Australian study in 2002 found that acupuncture during pregnancy had no adverse effects and was completely safe when done by a trained acupuncturist. Another study in 2001 involved 417 pregnant women who received acupuncture for a total of 3,152 treatments and found no maternal or obstetric side effects.

You may have heard that some acupuncture points are forbidden during pregnancy. While there is no real evidence for avoiding these points mentioned in the classic texts of Traditional Chinese Medicine, they are usually avoided during pregnancy on the small chance that they might stimulate uterine contractions. A practitioner with advanced training in prenatal acupuncture & Obstetrics, as Dr. Cindi is, will know which points can safely be used and which should be avoided. Also, all pregnant patients are seen regularly throughout their pregnancy by an OB/Gyn or midwife, which allows Dr. Cindi to be well informed of any complications or health issues.

General treatment plan for pregnancy

First trimester | Acupuncture during the first trimester focuses on setting the foundation for a healthy pregnancy. Treatments are given to help prevent hormonal miscarriage and to address any early pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea and fatigue. At the end of the first trimester a special traditional treatment is given, using what is called the "beautiful baby point," to ensure a healthy baby. For optimum results, the recommended frequency of treatments during the first trimester is once a week up through week 16.

Second trimester | Acupuncture during the second trimester aims to maintain balance and offer relief from many of the common complaints of pregnancy. At the end of the second trimester the traditional "beautiful baby" treatment is given again. The recommended frequency of treatments for the second trimester is evaluated for each individual. Patients may come one to two times per month if the pregnancy is uncomplicated and there are no complaints. If addressing a certain issue, patients may need to come more frequently.

Third trimester | Acupuncture during the third trimester prepares the body for labor and delivery. During the third trimester, patients are encouraged to receive weekly treatments to ensure a smooth labor and delivery. Studies show that women who receive regular acupuncture during the third trimester typically have shorter and more productive labor.

Breech presentation

Breech presentation occurs in approximately one out of every 25 full-term births. Breech presentation can be caused by excess or low amniotic fluid, a short or twisted umbilical cord, placenta previa, or a variation in the shape of the uterus. However, the cause of many breech presentations is unknown.

Western medicine's treatment for breech presentation is an External Cephalic Version (ECV), which is successful about 50% of the time. This method of manually turning the baby is usually done around week 37. ECV can be quite uncomfortable and carries the risk of fetal distress, ruptured membranes, and placental separation, sometimes resulting in the need for an emergency caesarean section.

The TCM solution for breech presentation | The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment for breech presentation has been used for thousands of years. It is successful 75% of the time and carries no risk to the mother or baby. It is generally done between weeks 32-36, when there is still enough room for the baby to turn, although it can be attempted later in pregnancy as well. The method involves burning the herb mugwort (a treatment called moxabustion) directly onto or over an acupuncture point on the foot. The reason this works is not completely understood, but it is believed to release hormones that stimulate the uterus and increase fetal activity, which encourages the baby to turn on its own. When successful, the baby will turn within 24 hours of the treatment. Sometimes only one treatment is needed, and sometimes it may take several treatments for the baby to turn.

Labor preparation & pre-birth acupuncture

The most common Western method of labor induction uses synthetic Pitocin to jump-start labor. Pitocin will start contractions whether the mother’s body is ready or not. Because the mother's body is not always ready, labor fails to progress 40-50% of the time, starting a chain of events that can lead to a caesarean section. Synthetic Pitocin also has other serious risks, including fetal distress and cardiac arrhythmia. In addition, most women find that Pitocin causes very intense and painful labor.

Encouraging labor with acupuncture stimulates uterine contractions and softens the cervix. The treatments start a hormonal process which stimulates the mother's body to release prostaglandins and oxytocin, the natural hormone that Pitocin mimics. As a result, it is a much more gentle and natural process than Western induction.

Acupuncture for labor encouragement is safe for both the mother and baby as long as there are no serious complications with the pregnancy. Several studies show a success rate of over 70%.

Although acupuncture at 39-40+ weeks can be very effective to start labor naturally, Dr. Cindi prefers to start seeing women for labor preparation earlier in the third trimester in order to gradually move the body towards natural labor. Pre-birth treatments at this time gently facilitate the gradual, natural onset of labor. Dr. Cindi finds that this more gentle approach has a much higher success rate than doing last-minute labor “induction.”

Postpartum treatment

The postpartum period, also known as the fourth trimester (the 12 weeks after giving birth), is just as important for a mother’s health as the first three trimesters. Yet this is often when mothers have the least interaction with their health care team. Acupuncture is a gentle, safe, and effective way to help a woman’s body recover.

In addition to returning the body to a state of balance and optimal health, some of the postpartum conditions that acupuncture can treat are:

  • Postpartum mood disorders, including depression & anxiety

  • Mood swings due to normal post-birth hormonal changes

  • Fatigue

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Persistent bleeding

  • Lactation problems & low milk supply

  • Mastitis

  • Abdomina/uterinel pain

  • Night sweats

  • Recovery from c-section and/or traumatic birth

If I could rate 10 stars I would! Dr. Cindi has treated me throughout both of my pregnancies and in between for a range of symptoms including nausea, anxiety, stress, postpartum depression, back aches and pain, and much more. Not only is she incredibly professional, but she is also straight forward, knowledgeable, accommodating and kind.

“If you’re looking for an acupuncturist that truly looks at you like the whole person you are, spends time to get to know you, and works with you, Dr. Cindi is your gal.
— G. B.