• Acupuncture, a part of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) with a history spanning over 3,000 years, provides a holistic approach to preventing and treating disease by tapping into the body's natural healing capacity. It is based on the theory of energy flow along channels in the body. These channels contain specific acupuncture points where energy is accessible. By precisely inserting thin needles at these points and regulating the energy flow, acupuncture alleviates symptoms and addresses the underlying causes of disease by restoring balance to the body.

    Over the past few decades, scientific studies have provided valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of acupuncture. One significant discovery has been the confirmation of the existence and locations of acupuncture points and channels. Advanced imaging techniques, such as MRI and ultrasound, have revealed that these points correspond to clusters of nerve endings, blood vessels, and connective tissue, which may explain their heightened electrical conductivity compared to surrounding areas. Moreover, research has shown that acupuncture stimulates the release of various neurotransmitters, such as endorphins, which are natural pain-relievers, as well as serotonin and dopamine, which play roles in mood regulation.

    By integrating and influencing various bodily systems, including the nervous, circulatory, reproductive, and digestive systems, acupuncture plays a crucial role in promoting self-regulation and facilitating the body's innate healing mechanisms. This holistic approach addresses imbalances across multiple systems, promoting harmony and optimal health.

  • Acupuncture is typically painless, as the needles used are extremely thin, often compared to a strand of hair. Sensations during insertion are usually minimal, similar to a brief pinch that quickly dissipates. Many people find acupuncture to be surprisingly gentle and relaxing, with many even drifting into sleep during treatment.

  • Yes. Acupuncturists prioritize safety by exclusively using sterile needles, eliminating any risk of infection. Each needle is used only once before being safely disposed of, ensuring a clean and hygienic treatment environment for every patient.

  • Yes, although herbs are not required, and their need is evaluated on a case-by-case basis for each patient.

    Chinese herbs may be provided in tablet form or customized into granules, which are dissolved in water and consumed as a tea. The advantage of a customized herbal formula is its tailored approach to address your specific condition, with the flexibility to adapt as treatment progresses and your body's needs change.

    Whichever form your herbs are in, only the highest quality herbs that have undergone strict testing and quality control will be used.

  • Acupuncture functions as a natural medicine that supports the body's innate ability to heal, which can be a gradual process. While some patients may notice dramatic results after just one or two treatments, others may experience improvements gradually over several sessions. In cases of fertility and gynecological conditions, it typically takes at least three menstrual cycles for acupuncture to effectively regulate hormone levels and improve outcomes.

    Regardless of the specific condition being treated, many patients report feeling increased energy and relaxation after their first acupuncture session. This immediate benefit sets the stage for further progress and healing as treatment continues.

  • Frequency depends on the duration, severity and nature of the condition being treated. An acute condition may only need a few treatments, while chronic conditions may take many treatments to help resolve. Some conditions may require ongoing treatments over time to maintain results.

    Generally, patients receive treatment once a week. For individuals seeking fertility and Women’s Health support, it's recommended to undergo weekly sessions for at least three menstrual cycles, as this duration allows acupuncture to effectively regulate hormones and improve outcomes. As progress is made, the frequency of treatments typically decreases, transitioning to periodic maintenance sessions as needed.

  • Your first appointment will start with a thorough review of your health history and concerns. During this assessment, you may be asked about elements of your life that you might not have considered to be related to your main complaint. Although treatment will be focused on your primary issue, to formulate the most comprehensive and effective approach, your entire being is taken into account. The uniqueness of Chinese medicine lies in the fact that it understands that symptoms and/or illnesses may appear to be the same, but the persons experiencing them are unique individuals and neither the causes nor the treatment may be identical.

    If acupuncture is incorporated into your first visit, very thin needles will be lightly inserted and remain in place for about 30 minutes while you rest in a soothing environment. You may experience relief from your treatment immediately, within several hours, or over the course of 1-3 days. The duration and timing of relief can vary from person to person. Some individuals may find that relief lasts for several hours initially and extends with subsequent treatments, while others may experience immediate and ongoing relief until their next appointment. Because you are an individual, your response also is individual.

    Regardless of the timing of relief, most patients report feeling extremely relaxed and calm after acupuncture sessions. Therefore, it's advisable to avoid planning strenuous activities following treatment to fully benefit from the relaxation effects.

  • It's important to allow enough time for your acupuncture visit, avoiding any rushed activities before or after. For instance, scheduling your appointment right before intense physical activities like a kickboxing class may not be ideal, as you may not feel up to it immediately following acupuncture.

    To ensure comprehensive care, please bring a current list of medications, including over-the-counter drugs, prescriptions, vitamins, and herbal supplements, to your first appointment. Additionally, any relevant medical or lab reports related to your condition are beneficial to bring along.

    Wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothing is recommended. While acupuncture points are located throughout the body, many commonly used points are between the elbows and wrists and knees and ankles. Opting for clothing that allows easy access to these areas will enhance your comfort during treatment.

    It's advisable to have a light meal several hours before your visit. Avoiding excessive hunger reduces the risk of dizziness or nausea. However, refrain from consuming a large meal or anything that may cause indigestion while lying down. Furthermore, it's best to avoid caffeine before treatment, as it can stimulate the nervous system and make needle insertion uncomfortable.

  • An increasing number of insurance companies now offer some coverage for acupuncture. Please reach out to your insurance provider directly to inquire about the specifics of your policy, especially regarding coverage for out-of-network acupuncture services and what deductibles might apply. Additionally, acupuncture is typically eligible for reimbursement through most FSA (Flexible Spending Account) and HSA (Health Savings Account) accounts.

    Following each appointment, you will receive a Superbill, which is an invoice detailing the treatments provided, including standardized insurance codes. You can submit this Superbill to your insurance provider for potential full or partial reimbursement, depending on the terms of your policy (an app that can be helpful for submitting Superbills successfully is Reimbursify).

    Reimbursement will be issued directly to you by your insurance provider upon review of the submitted documentation (please note that fertility coaching sessions are not eligible for insurance reimbursement).

    Dr. Cindi is committed to providing her patients with the most comprehensive and effective treatments Traditional Chinese Medicine has to offer. Insurance often dictates the length and quantity of treatments and the types of conditions covered. By not billing insurance directly, Dr. Cindi is able to dedicate more quality time and attention to each patient, delivering the in-depth personalized care you deserve with no constraints.

  • For patients looking for acupuncture in San Jose, Los Gatos, Saratoga, Santa Clara, and Sunnyvale, my office is conveniently located between the Pruneyard Shopping Center and downtown Campbell.

dr. cindi ignatovsky, San Jose, Acupuncture, women's health